Your name (required)
Your email (required)
Your property number or name
Road or street name
Village, town or city
Telephone number
Please arrange to inspect the following property. In accordance with your findings, please provide me with one of the following reports: Level 1 Report Level 2 Report Level 3 Report
Property number or name
To inspect the property please make your formal arrangements by contacting the following person(s) or company/estate agent:
Estate agent
Contact person(s)
I understand that I will receive your completed report within seven working days of the date you inspect the property.
I understand that your fees will be invoiced in accordance with your Service Price Schedule.
I understand the scope of the ‘service’ instructed and concur with Roderick Easterling AssocRICS ‘Conditions of Engagement’ these detailed at Terms & Conditions I agree (required)
I understand that the completed report is for my information only and that any liability Mr Roderick Easterling has, is limited to me only.
I understand that where applicable Roderick Easterling AssocRICS may acknowledge any referring party .
I understand that I can at any time request a copy of Roderick Easterling AssocRICS ‘Complaints Handing Procedure’.
Your Message